News & Events

Reopening of Club Crew & 2022 Mona Awards

The grand reopening of our beautifully renovated Club Crew room and the 2022 Mona Awards will be held on Friday 25th November at 6 pm at Club Crew.

November 2nd, 2022|

On Demand

Over the past couple of months many programs (12 at this point) have opted into the On Demand function. This enables programs to be recorded and made available for 'on demand' listening, in other words [...]

July 19th, 2022|

Hank Williams Tribute Night

Thursday 15th September 2022 7 pm – City Memorial Bowls Club. Lost In Suburbia, Pete Daffy, Eddy Boyle, Loose Cannons, Streamline, Pete Ewing, Witch 3 & much more. Tickets at the door $25 ($20 if [...]

July 19th, 2022|

Club Crew Renovation

Members and visitors to 3WAY-FM will have noticed the ongoing renovations occurring in Club Crew, our large meeting room. Originally foreshadowed in late 2020, COVID restrictions and the like impeded progress during 2021. This year, [...]

June 11th, 2022|

Fantastic Night Of Live Music

Last night at the Lighthouse Theatre (08/04) a 3WAYFM fundraiser in association with CBAA, AMRAP, On The Road Again & Creative Victoria - A Night Of Music - a fantastic 4 hours of live music [...]

April 9th, 2022|

A Night Of Music

High Ace (Jeff Lang, Alison Ferrier & Amy Valent Curlis), Leah Senior & Band, Broderick Smith & Richard Tankard, and Big Ten Trio. Friday April 8th at the Lighthouse Theatre, doors at 6:30 pm. Tickets [...]

March 21st, 2022|

2021 Mona Award Winners

Gold Mona             Kevin Byrne; Graeme Trigg.    Silver Mona            Frank Davidson; Rita McCluskey; Rinska Moritz; Jo Merriman & Denis O'Keefe Bronze Mona          Geoff Caton    Most Popular New Program                 The Vinyl Vault - Stuart Prince Most Popular New Presenter                Geoff Caton    Most [...]

December 24th, 2021|

The Beat – finalist in Best New Radio Program category – 2021 CBAA Community Radio Awards

'The Beat' has been listed a finalist for Best New Radio Program! Congratulations Kyra & Jess! The Beat - Thursdays 7 am. Unfortunately The Beat did not win, but we congratulate Kyra and Jess for [...]

November 16th, 2021|
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